Sigh, sometimes.... most times.... okay, nearly every time it happens. I feel like writing and I get distracted. It is always easier to blame the external forces but it my own fear, my inhibitions, my laziness and indiscipline that come in the way of my getting any writing done. This one is mostly on the external distractions that like I said are easier to blame.

What do you do?

What do you do?

When words are trying to make their
way out, trying to say something
at the wrong time, when you are in the shower
scrubbing yourself clean of yesterday.

Or when your notepad and pen are in another
room, or when the children have a crazy demand
or an unresolved fight,
or you are thanklessly
engaged in a familiar familial need.

When the words compete against the pinging phone
and a choice has to be made  
whether to savor this moment of visit or       
to fling the words
in the bed of your soul
in the hope of something worthy growing someday
and answer the phone,
rote and routine
smiling thereafter,
thinking there will always be another day.

Because once you have discovered poetry
it does jostle your very soul
asking you to write some more
to keep looking for answers
or keep content that at least the

questions are coming your way.


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